
“My name is Renae and I am a client of Julie’s. I am a Service Disabled Veteran and have had 24 surgeries on my abdomen. I have suffered with acute pain in my abdominal area for more than a decade. I cry tears of gratitude as I write this because I felt a profound sense of healing almost immediately after our first session together. I am in awe of the sacred, spiritual, and magical experience Julie shares with me during our distant Intuitive Energy Healing sessions.

Her healing energy flows unhindered. Her guided meditations ground me and take me to a deep state of relaxation (which is a difficult place for me to get on my own). Julie’s unique healing energy gives me the sense of floating on top of peaceful waves, a warm tingling from head to toe, and a feeling of complete peace. We have had several sessions now and I have to share the radical shifts happening in my life.

As my pain is disappearing, I am experiencing a beautiful and profound shift in my mental, emotional, and physical health. Toxins and toxic energy in my body are being expelled and I am finding myself with much more energy. I feel a real personal freedom and a much greater connection with myself and with my loved ones. Julie’s innate ability to transmit her powerful healing and loving energy during our distant Intuitive Energy Healing sessions has given me a new path to a bright and Joyful future! Julie…THANK YOU for sharing your healing gifts with me and with all who are seeking a happier and healthier existence.”

— Renae

“Julie did an over-the-phone healing for me as I was feeling very depleted. It was wonderful. Her energy is full of positivity, calmness, and love. She took the necessary time and explained what she was doing. She even gave me some ideas of things I can do myself to get into a better space. This was like getting a massage for my soul! I will be booking sessions regularly. Best investment in myself I have made in a long time! Thank you Julie.”

— Valerie

“After months of training for the NYC marathon, I began to experience extreme knee pain a few weeks before the race. I went to physical therapy, but the pain still impacted my daily training—scared I wouldn’t be able to compete, I called Julie. After sharing my concerns, she sent me healing energy before, during, and after the race, which helped my pain immensely. Not only did Julie’s healing help with physical ailments, and help me finish the marathon but I believe it also sent a wave of calmness over me, easing my anxiety and helping me to channel my inner strength.”

— Sierra

“Julie is the best.”

— Branden