Frequently asked questions


Q: What happens during an Intuitive Energy Healing Session?

A: I speak with my clients about what brought them in. I explain how different parts of the body can store negative energy and how we hold stress there and how this makes us more prone to ailments. Having this information helps a person to feel informed and in control of what’s going on in their body so it’s not a big mystery. Sometimes I take my client through a guided meditation. Adding the healing energy after they have the information really seems to flush out a lot of the stress that they can hold in that part of their body.

Q: What does it feel like?

A: Sometimes, you will feel warmth, perhaps tingling, sometimes nothing. Many people will fall asleep because they are so relaxed. Some people may become emotional. This is all very normal. Everyone is different and will respond differently. 

Q: Is distance/ virtual healing as effective as in-person healing?

A: Yes! Especially if a person is more comfortable in their own environment. I have performed many distance energy healings with wonderful results (please see testimonials). Distance healing results may not be felt until a few hours after the actual energy is sent.

Q: Do I have to believe in it to work?

A: When we are open to the possibilities and allow the energy to flow, amazing things can happen. If a person does not believe in it, it would be like holding up an umbrella to prevent the energy from coming in.

Q: How is Intuitive Energy Healing different from Reiki?

A: Both of these energy healing practices use the same beautiful energy: Universal Life Force. Intuitive Energy Healing is the healing modality that I find to be more powerful for me as a practitioner.

Q: Are there any negative side effects?

A: No. There are no negative side effects.